A Flower Blooms For Its Own Joy.
— Oscar Wilde
Kalyani Adusumilli Kalyani Adusumilli

April’s Child

Spring blessing

Forever isn't nearly long enough, my dear—
To cherish every moment, every tear,
To guide you through life's twists and turns,
To witness you spread your wings and fly,
And know that you'll one day reach the sky.

To love you until the stars grow dim,
And even then, my love will not wane or dim.
For you, my April diamond, are that priceless treasure,
A mother’s firstborn, precious beyond measure.

So let me hold you close, my darling one,
In the warmth of the April sun.
For in your eyes, I see a future so bright,
And in your heart, a beacon of light.

Forever isn't nearly long enough with you,
From your first breath, you’ve been a dream come true.

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Kalyani Adusumilli Kalyani Adusumilli

It’s Never Too Late

Embracing change and living life to the fullest

In the grand narrative of life, there exists a singular truth: regret is a poisoned arrow best avoided. Yet, as we traverse the road of existence, it's easy to become ensnared in the comfort of predictability, succumbing to the illusion that our paths are preordained, particularly as the years accumulate and our journey seems well-defined.

However, I find such a notion to be anti-climactic. It is not the straight stretches of road that captivate me, but rather the bends and curves that infuse life with intrigue and vitality—moments unexpected, risky, and perhaps even unwelcome, yet necessary for exploring the full spectrum of human experience. After all, it is amidst monotony that we often find ourselves lulled into complacency, forgetting to pay attention to the beauty and potential that surround us.

Change, though daunting, is the catalyst for growth and progress. Without it, we risk stagnation, condemned to a life devoid of inspiration and evolution. How else can we unravel the mysteries of our existence and unfold into the individuals we are destined to become? It is through exploration that we discover the boundless possibilities that lie beyond the confines of our comfort zone.

Allow me to share my own journey—a journey that saw me transition from the roles of a scientist and attorney to pursue my lifelong dream of becoming an author. In defying societal expectations and venturing beyond the familiar, I reignited the flame of my childhood passion. Writing has breathed new color and vitality into my existence, offering me a sense of purpose that I have long yearned for. While the path I chose may appear circuitous to some, every twist and turn served as inspiration, shaping the narrative of my life and fueling my creative endeavors.

Our stories are not etched in stone, nor are they bound by the constraints of permanence—not even in the face of death itself. So why not dare to experiment, to explore the myriad possibilities that await us? Adventure knows no age limit, with new discoveries awaiting the intrepid explorer around every corner.

Whether it be embarking on a new career path, embracing a change of scenery, indulging in a newfound hobby, or simply savoring the flavors of different cuisines, the opportunities for reinvention are limitless. Even the seemingly trivial act of adopting a new hairstyle can serve as a testament to our willingness to embrace change and defy the status quo.

Admittedly, embracing change is not without its challenges. Some may argue that the risks outweigh the rewards, particularly later in life. Yet, I urge you to consider this: the greatest risk lies not in daring to embark on new journeys, but rather in resigning oneself to a life devoid of growth and fulfillment.

So, let’s seize the wheel of destiny, regardless of age or circumstance. It is never too late to rewrite the script of our lives, to embrace change wholeheartedly, and to immerse ourselves fully in the rainbow of human experience. For in the end, it is not the destination that defines us, but rather the journey we undertake—and the courage we exhibit along the way.

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Kalyani Adusumilli Kalyani Adusumilli

Go High

Instead of going low…rise

When life feels like it's gone astray,
And fortune's smile has turned away,
It's easy to sink deeper still,
Like a barnacle clinging to its chill.

But sinking low means staying trapped,
Beneath the surface where fears are wrapped,
In shadows of doubt and despair's embrace,
Where self-pity festers, leaving little space.

Yet there's another path, a way to rise,
Where the air is fresh beneath clear skies.
It's where dreams soar beyond the mundane,
And faith ignites like a fiery flame.

For in the realm where hope resides,
Perseverance and determination collide,
To lift us high above the storm,
Where miracles dance and fears subside.

So let us choose to ascend, not stay,
To reach for the light, come what may.
For it's in rising that we truly thrive,
And in facing challenges, we feel alive.

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Kalyani Adusumilli Kalyani Adusumilli

What is Love?

The purpose of our existence

Enduring and profound,
Love scattered will abound.
Validating, like unexpected praise,
Passionate, like a lover's gaze.

Enriching every moment we share,
Love is a musical score beyond compare.
Rewarding, as the sun after the rain,
Tried and tested, love will remain.

Youthful, like laughter sprinkled in the air,
Like wildflowers growing everywhere.
Trusting and pure as a baby's first smile,
Love will never go out of style.

Nature's most brilliant remedy,
Love is wordless therapy.
Healing wounds with its power,
Illuminating even in the darkest hour.

Nurturing, like soil for a seed,
Love fosters growth in times of need.
Giving, in its purest form,
Love is a shelter in life's storm.

What is love? EVERYTHING
Universal and inspiring,
Unconditional and resilient,
The very heartbeat of our existence.

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Kalyani Adusumilli Kalyani Adusumilli


Eternal connections

What once was, no longer is, but forever will be.
The invisible thread that ties us endures through eternity. 
Stars align beyond our control,
Yet, from the start, I was yours, and you were mine, 
A story that remains untold.
Souls may collide but remain untethered and free,
Destiny's quirks, a puzzle we can't foresee.
Love binds, then tears apart, 
Yet through time and existence, it persists— a priceless piece of art. 

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Kalyani Adusumilli Kalyani Adusumilli

Bye Bye Blues

Overcoming the winter doldrums

A new year has dawned, heralding hope and new beginnings. However, as January unfolds, it typically brings with it the winter blues. The onset of these post-holiday blues is undoubtedly triggered by the dreary cold, wet weather, less daylight, and the prospect of gearing up for another 365 days. Even those living in perpetually balmy climates aren’t immune to the effects of resuming the daily grind.

It's easy to find ourselves confronted with slightly thicker midsections, endless bills serving as highly unpleasant reminders of holiday spending, and anxiety about all the unknowns in the days to come. Yet, wallowing in self-pity and gloom will only prolong our misery until spring arrives. Instead, let's embrace a shift in mindset and channel the joyful emotions of our favorite seasons into each day.

Taking advantage of sunlight by welcoming it into our homes and stepping outdoors, even for a brief walk, can significantly uplift our spirits. For those with a penchant for greenery, cultivating an indoor garden can bring a touch of nature indoors. Alternatively, for those with less-than-green thumbs like myself, painting a vibrant garden might prove just as fruitful. Music and art also offer therapeutic means for releasing deeply held emotions, whether through a splash of colors on a pristine canvas or the resonance of sweet-sounding notes stirring our souls.

If cozying up with a book is more your style, lose yourself in different worlds and travel everywhere through books. Alternatively, if reading isn’t your cup of tea, consider challenging yourself with puzzles, learning a new language, or cooking a different global cuisine every week. For those with wanderlust, weekend road trips, even just for a day, can offer a refreshing change of scenery. The options are truly endless—but we must venture outside the ordinary and embrace new experiences.

Beyond imagination, cultivating healthy habits holds the key to maintaining a happy and peaceful state. Making exercise, a nutritious diet, and self-care as regular as brushing our teeth every morning provides a strong foundation, giving us the necessary energy and motivation to make the most of each day, regardless of the month or season. Remembering to treat ourselves lovingly and gently is crucial, especially during challenging times.

Lastly, staying present and refraining from fretting about the uncertainty ahead is essential. Our journeys will continue to unfold; putting one foot before the other and keeping moving is what counts. January is as blessed as any other month as long as we wake up to a new day. Keeping gratitude foremost in our minds will steady us on the way. Oh, and forget about New Year's resolutions; the pressure they impose only fuels more stress. Instead, if we were to make just one resolution, let it be to be unapologetically happy.

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Kalyani Adusumilli Kalyani Adusumilli

The Path to Acceptance

Learning to accept ourselves

In the pursuit of inner peace and happiness, I embarked on a journey of self-awareness, personal growth, and mindfulness. Despite its allure, this path has been far from easy, often proving to be a daunting endeavor. Traveling inward requires confronting truths we may fear, yet these very truths hold the key to resolving our deepest struggles. It demands courage and resilience to navigate through the discomfort, driven by the desire for a meaningful and fulfilling life.

Looking outward for validation or purpose is ultimately futile, for only through introspection can we truly understand ourselves. Yet, the prospect of peeling back the layers of our innermost thoughts can be terrifying. What if we encounter aspects of ourselves we dislike? However, it is precisely this discomfort that signals the need for change and growth.

Acceptance is the cornerstone of this journey. It entails embracing ourselves and our lives as they are, acknowledging our imperfections and inherent worth. While some paths may seem laden with unfair challenges, accepting our unique journey allows us to glean wisdom and resilience from every experience.

As we learn to accept ourselves, we gain a newfound perspective on the world. Compassion and love towards ourselves pave the way for extending the same kindness to others. This internal transformation radiates outward, fostering a ripple effect of positivity and connection.

Embrace your journey as a masterpiece in the making, recognizing that greatness is defined by your own standards. Through patience, perseverance, and self-acceptance, you will uncover the beauty within yourself, transcending pain to find true fulfillment.

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Kalyani Adusumilli Kalyani Adusumilli

Winter Magic

Spreading the spirit of the holidays throughout the year

Behold, ’tis the season for cheer!
That joyful, wintry magic is finally here —
With its chime of bells, the dusting of snow,
And the warmth of fireplaces aglow.

It’s in the intoxicating scents of pine forests, cinnamon, and clove,
And in the bustle of shoppers racing to the stores in drove,
Searching for the perfect gifts for the ones they cherish and love.
It’s in the squeals of children as they lick their peppermint sticks,
Waiting impatiently in line to descend upon dear old St. Nick,
And in the magical sound of carolers crooning in the background,
As infectious laughter and merriment abound.

It’s in kitchens bursting with cookie-making,
Filling homes with the sweet aroma of holiday baking,
And in the hot cocoa and eggnog that generously flow,
As couples sneak away to embrace under the mistletoe.
It’s in the fir trees that take center stage,
Shining brightly with their delicate ornaments and twinkling lights.
This festive tableau of goodwill and joy is a wondrous sight!

But the meaning behind it all is what we’re truly meant to discern—
Just as the Grinch and Scrooge both came to learn.
That the true blessings of the season come from within,
Through generosity, charity, and cooperation,
And through kindness, love, and compassion.
It’s the kind of magic through which healing can begin.

So why not infuse the spirit of giving and cheer, 
Not merely during the holidays but throughout the year?
There’s no reason that we cannot extend these heartwarming feelings,
Each and every single day, just through loving one another.
And soon, in this way, perhaps we can put our beautiful world back together.

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Kalyani Adusumilli Kalyani Adusumilli

Paper Airplanes

Flying toward your full potential

Just like a paper airplane…ready, set, go!
Unfurl your wings and soar.
I dare you to ask life for more.
Do not let timeworn burdens keep you ensnared,
Or perpetually anxious and scared.

Let everything be,
And let yourself fly free-
Away from the darkness,
Away from the past,
Away from the guilt,
And away from the sadness.

Let go of expectation,
And of control,
Of judgment,
Of shame,
Of fear,
And of disappointment.

Ask yourself, is it the potential you may unleash that keeps you frozen,
Or believing that your dreams aren’t important?
Why pin yourself down when you’re meant to take flight—
To evolve, transcend, and rise to new heights?
Embrace your birthright, seize every opportunity to shine brightly,
And surround yourself and others with light.

Pilot your adventure, I say.
Chart your course, come what may,
Time is of the essence,
There’s simply no time like the present,
So leave nothing unsaid, nothing undone.
Fulfill your dreams, live a little, and have some fun!

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Kalyani Adusumilli Kalyani Adusumilli

The Fear of Happiness

Learning to fully embrace happiness without fear

Happiness should not be a fleeting destination but a constant companion in our journey through life. Yet, why do we sometimes find ourselves fearing happiness, as if it's an elusive dream that might vanish at any moment?

Recently, I experienced a prolonged period of happiness, only to be consumed by anxiety that it would be taken away. My mind raced with worries about family issues, career uncertainties, and past mistakes. It dawned on me that I was sabotaging my own happiness with fear.

Upon reflection, I realized two underlying reasons for this fear. First, I struggled with feeling deserving of happiness, viewing it as a selfish indulgence rather than a fundamental right. Second, I equated happiness with complacency, fearing that embracing joy would inhibit my drive for self-improvement.

However, upon deeper introspection, I questioned why I needed permission to be happy. Isn't the gift of life itself reason enough to embrace joy? A purposeful life is intertwined with a positive mindset, which not only benefits ourselves but also radiates outward, uplifting those around us.

While fear serves as a vital survival instinct, allowing it to dominate our lives robs us of happiness and impedes our personal growth. Overcoming fear requires courage and a commitment to living authentically.

I've come to realize that I don't need validation to pursue happiness. By honoring my true self, extending kindness to others, and embracing life's journey, I affirm my inherent right to happiness. Let us not allow fear to dim the brightness of our joyous existence. Embrace happiness as the rule, not the exception, and let it illuminate our path forward.

Ultimately, happiness should be embraced as a natural state of being, free from the shackles of fear. Let us cultivate joy in our lives and inspire others to do the same, for happiness knows no bounds when we dare to live truthfully.

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Kalyani Adusumilli Kalyani Adusumilli

A Crimson Tiding

A heavenly messenger

You come unbidden,
My crimson-feathered friend.
Your sudden, loud knocking at my window,
Catches me unawares.
Yet, immediately, I rush to greet you,
For your visits are unexpected and rare,
Though you time them impeccably, as I’ve come to know.
Whenever I’ve reached the end of my tether or despaired,
You’ve magically appeared.

Patiently, you perch on the nearby tree branch for a moment,
Until you’ve ascertained that you have my undivided attention;
Without a doubt, you are a faithful messenger who is heaven-sent.
Your brilliant beauty strikes such awe,
And your presence fills me with immeasurable comfort.
The divine message in your greeting,
Resounds unmistakably when you’re here—
That through faith and hope,
I will always find direction and healing.

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Kalyani Adusumilli Kalyani Adusumilli

Transcending Judgment

Embracing compassion over judgment

In the bustling arena of life, have you ever considered the parallels between a judge and a referee? Picture the courtroom as a grand stage, akin to a sports arena or amphitheater. Here, the individual overseeing the proceedings acts as both arbiter and guardian of fairness, ensuring that each side adheres to the official procedures, much like following a playbook. Ideally, a judge remains impartial, rendering final decisions solely based on the law and factual evidence presented by the involved parties. Their duty extends to disregarding external opinions and distractions, safeguarding the integrity of the outcome.

In legal parlance, a judge also bears the responsibility of determining whether a party has met their burden of proof. In criminal cases, the prosecutor must establish evidence "beyond a reasonable doubt," the highest standard of assurance. Conversely, civil matters typically adhere to the standards of "preponderance of the evidence" or "clear and convincing." This underscores the importance of substantiating accusations with credible evidence rather than relying on mere allegations.

Now, let's pivot to a broader perspective. Consider the ubiquity of judgment in our daily interactions. While the ability to make considered decisions is fundamental, outside the structured confines of a courtroom, judgment often deviates from promoting equitable results. Instead, it breeds disharmony and conflict, driven by fear and ignorance rather than factual evidence.

Why then, do we succumb to the temptation of passing judgment? Fear and lack of understanding often prompt hasty judgments, devoid of any burden of proof. We impose our subjective assessments on others, guided by societal constructs of status, gender, race, and culture. Yet, upon reflection, the absurdity of these uninformed judgments becomes apparent, highlighting our inherent biases and predispositions.

Digging deeper, contemplate the formidable judges in our lives—individuals whose approval we either fear or seek. Whether it's a parental figure, authority figure, or even our own inner critic, the source of their power often lies in our own subconscious perceptions. Are we not the architects of our own harshest judgments? Do we not evaluate ourselves through a lens tainted by external influences and societal expectations?

Whether directed inward or outward, our judgments are often clouded by external factors, veering away from an objective assessment of facts. We listen to the cacophony of societal expectations, allowing it to dictate our judgments. Yet, at its core, it is internal fear that truly governs our actions. Breaking free from this cycle demands courage and self-awareness.

Imagine a paradigm shift where we detach our inner selves from external influences, transcending the shackles of societal norms. Embracing self-compassion and mindfulness fosters acceptance, diminishing our propensity for judgment. By authentically owning our identities, we liberate ourselves from the burden of judgment, cultivating a positive mindset conducive to genuine connections and understanding.

In sum, let us relinquish the symbolic robes of the judiciary and embrace a mindset of acceptance and empathy. By transcending judgment, we pave the way for a more harmonious and compassionate existence, both within ourselves and in our interactions with others.

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Kalyani Adusumilli Kalyani Adusumilli

Autumn’s Child

An Autumn blessing

Witty and charming is my October-born—
With eyes as luminescent as the Hunter’s Moon at night,
A mind as keen and powerful as the blade of a butcher’s knife,
A heart as pure and golden as honey from the bee’s hive,
A grin as warm and full of mischief as the soft flicker of a jack-o-lantern’s smile,
A presence as comforting as the scent of apple cider wafting through the air for miles,
And a laugh as satisfying as the crunch of fallen leaves on the forest ground—
Indeed, he must be a Hogwarts wizard, keeping us all entranced and spellbound.

Such a wondrous soul born in a season of enchantment, revelry, and sweets,
He brings forth laughter, joy, and love in every person he meets.
His lively chatter and gaiety will carry us through to Spring,
Like a cozy blanket, he promises warmth and happiness in everything.
Whether he’s made of flesh and bone or magic from the wild,
He is undoubtedly, Autumn’s most extraordinary child.

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Kalyani Adusumilli Kalyani Adusumilli

Letting Go

Leaving the past where it belongs

I release myself from chains unseen,
From burdens that once upon my soul did lean,
As autumn leaves gently part from the tree,
So shall I, shedding what no longer serves me.

Long have I gazed through the rearview's haze,
Forgotten the path ahead, lost in yesterdays.
But now, I turn, to face the winding road unknown,
With courage anew, my spirit has grown.

Time bids farewell to sorrows, past, and pain,
As lessons learned become my guiding reign.
Wisdom, like nourishing soil, beneath my feet,
I embrace its richness, in every defeat.

For this moment beckons, a dance with the flow,
A symphony of release, a letting go.
I step forward, with purpose, and grace,
Embracing the journey, finding my place.

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Kalyani Adusumilli Kalyani Adusumilli

The Energy of Being

Preserving our mental and emotional energy

Recently, I found myself caught up in a whirlwind of emotions triggered by a situation involving my aging parents. The discovery of this matter early in the morning consumed half of my day, as I stewed over it relentlessly. Driving my son to school, waiting in the car line, and returning home, I could feel the familiar tightness in my chest, a telltale sign of my escalating anxiety. Instead of seeking solace or calming my mind, I engaged my husband in a detailed analysis of every facet of the issue, turning a molehill into a mountain.

While my husband offered a grounded perspective, suggesting we let things unfold naturally, my emotional involvement clouded my ability to see reason. I was so deeply entwined in the situation that rationality seemed to have abandoned me altogether.

Rather than consciously choosing to set the matter aside until I could approach it with clarity, I allowed negative energy to permeate every fiber of my being. Exhausted and defeated, I sought refuge in bed under the guise of rest, only to find myself awakening hours later, consumed by guilt.

Though I managed to carry on with my day, engaging in work and healthy activities, the burden lingered until evening. It was then, upon speaking with my parents, that I discovered my mother had already taken steps to resolve the issue herself. My husband's observation that I had needlessly fretted and spiraled into a vortex of anxiety throughout the day resonated deeply.

Reflecting on the events of the day, I realized the immense amount of energy I had squandered by fixating on circumstances beyond my control. My preoccupation had manifested physically through chest pains and fatigue, while emotionally, I remained tense and despondent, envisioning worst-case scenarios that never materialized. Failing to channel my energy positively compromised my overall well-being, productivity, and focus, squandering precious time in the process.

A significant aspect of conserving mental energy lies in acknowledging that much of life's occurrences lie beyond our control. However, we retain agency over how we choose to respond. Anger and anxiety, born from fear, deplete our energy and cloud our judgment. By responding calmly and maintaining our equilibrium, we find that solutions materialize more readily, preserving our mental vitality.

Moving forward, I am challenging myself to allocate my energy solely to what lies within my sphere of influence, in a manner that safeguards my mental wellness. Rather than remaining entrenched in emotional turmoil, I aspire to radiate positive energy, uplifting both myself and those around me, leaving little room for regret.

In a world where time is finite and each day is uncertain, let us consider how we invest our energy wisely.

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Kalyani Adusumilli Kalyani Adusumilli

Nature’s Gold

The season of transformation

Autumn, nature's treasure trove of gold,
A splendor undeniably breathtaking to behold.
Crimson, orange, and hues of gold,
Flutter teasingly before the eyes, bold.
Nature's brilliance, our greatest muse, foretold.

Summer's warmth fades, crispness takes its toll,
Trees whispering change, a story they unfold.
The farmer's harvest, ripe and bold,
Fireflies seek shelter, children back to school, we're told.
In this cycle of renewal, no permanence to hold.

Autumn's Gold, nature's message, do we decode?
A season of transformation, a journey to forebode.
Reflection and introspection, paths we're showed,
Growth, maturity, bidding the past a gentle ode.
In the golden embrace, beginnings anew, bestowed.

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Kalyani Adusumilli Kalyani Adusumilli

Once Upon a Time

Becoming the author of your life

Once upon a time, there existed a girl unbound—
From shadows, hesitation, and dread profound.
New to the human realm, she roamed,
Bathed in tranquility, with radiance her home.

She basked in joy, embraced serenity,
In her mother's tender gaze, pure certainty.
In her father's embrace, a fortress strong,
Shielded from the specter of future's wrong.

In those days, she knew only LOVE's sweet grace—
Divine, unwavering, her heart's sacred space.
But then came the whispers of humankind's decree,
Dictating who she ought to be.

Once upon a time, that girl was me.

But the tale unfurls beyond that past domain,
For wisdom blossomed from strife's gain.
She seized the quill, became the bard,
Crafting her destiny, discarding shards.

Reclaimed her essence, dormant yet bright,
LOVE, the beacon, guiding through the night.
LOVE that birthed her, LOVE that redeemed her,
LOVE, the victor, in every endeavor.

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Kalyani Adusumilli Kalyani Adusumilli

Drawing Boundaries

Placing healthy limits

When we consider the word "boundary," a line often comes to mind. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a boundary is "a real or imagined line that marks the edge or limit of something." This definition conjures images of demarcations separating different regions on a map, crucial for maintaining peace between neighboring countries. Yet, boundaries extend beyond the geopolitical realm, encompassing social norms and personal relationships.

In the abstract sense, setting boundaries involves delineating appropriate social behavior. Some boundaries, like patient-doctor confidentiality or respecting personal space in public, are universally acknowledged. However, cultural variations and traditions influence what is deemed acceptable. Despite the belief in shared moral boundaries, discrepancies arise.

Personal boundaries, in particular, can be challenging to navigate. As someone who has spent much of my life trying to please others, establishing limits in relationships has been unfamiliar terrain. The closer we are to someone, the more vulnerable we become to their reactions, making it daunting to assert boundaries. Often, we don't realize when we're being manipulated or taken advantage of, especially by those closest to us.

Reflecting on my experiences, I've encountered instances where I neglected my well-being to accommodate others. Fear of alienating loved ones or seeking their approval hindered me from setting boundaries. However, as I became increasingly drained from unhealthy relationships, I realized the necessity of prioritizing my mental health.

Drawing boundaries with family and friends, though initially challenging, proved transformative. Contrary to my fears, asserting my needs didn't diminish my love or respect for others; it affirmed my commitment to self-care. Recognizing that I deserved to safeguard my well-being allowed me to reclaim a sense of autonomy and inner peace.

In setting personal boundaries, I've learned that self-care is not selfish but essential for maintaining balance and harmony in life. It's an ongoing journey of asserting my needs while respecting the autonomy of others. By embracing this practice, I've cultivated healthier relationships and reclaimed ownership of my happiness.

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Kalyani Adusumilli Kalyani Adusumilli

The Illusion

Nothing is as it seems

Nothing is as it seems.
I'm but an illusion,
Visible, yet obscured,
Strong, yet tender,
Loving, yet lonesome,
Whole, yet fractured,
A healer, yet in need of healing.
Don't be fooled by what meets the eye,
For I'm a puzzle with missing pieces,
A journey unfolding,
A story waiting to be told.

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Kalyani Adusumilli Kalyani Adusumilli

See Me

Freedom in authenticity

See me.
Not as you want,
But as I truly am.

Love me.
Not for what you gain in turn,
But simply because you care.

Believe in me.
Not from your expectations,
But out of respect for who I am.

Free me.
Unclip my wings and let me soar,
So that I may be— just me.

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