Paper Airplanes

Just like a paper airplane…ready, set, go!
Unfurl your wings and soar.
I dare you to ask life for more.
Do not let timeworn burdens keep you ensnared,
Or perpetually anxious and scared.

Let everything be,
And let yourself fly free-
Away from the darkness,
Away from the past,
Away from the guilt,
And away from the sadness.

Let go of expectation,
And of control,
Of judgment,
Of shame,
Of fear,
And of disappointment.

Ask yourself, is it the potential you may unleash that keeps you frozen,
Or believing that your dreams aren’t important?
Why pin yourself down when you’re meant to take flight—
To evolve, transcend, and rise to new heights?
Embrace your birthright, seize every opportunity to shine brightly,
And surround yourself and others with light.

Pilot your adventure, I say.
Chart your course, come what may,
Time is of the essence,
There’s simply no time like the present,
So leave nothing unsaid, nothing undone.
Fulfill your dreams, live a little, and have some fun!


Winter Magic


The Fear of Happiness