Letting Go

I release myself from chains unseen,
From burdens that once upon my soul did lean,
As autumn leaves gently part from the tree,
So shall I, shedding what no longer serves me.

Long have I gazed through the rearview's haze,
Forgotten the path ahead, lost in yesterdays.
But now, I turn, to face the winding road unknown,
With courage anew, my spirit has grown.

Time bids farewell to sorrows, past, and pain,
As lessons learned become my guiding reign.
Wisdom, like nourishing soil, beneath my feet,
I embrace its richness, in every defeat.

For this moment beckons, a dance with the flow,
A symphony of release, a letting go.
I step forward, with purpose, and grace,
Embracing the journey, finding my place.


Autumn’s Child


The Energy of Being